Hip hop cap
An offshoot of the baseball cap, the hip hop hat was originally only popular among hip-hop artists but has since made its way into everyday wear thanks to the popularity of street culture.
Hip hop hats are usually flat brim, hence the name flat hat. The brim of the hat ranges from two to four inches. It is usually decorated with embroidery, printing, washing and pasting. The fabrics are pure cotton, leather, canvas, camouflage and so on. Street style, give a cool unruly feeling. Design more street style, fancy, personality, also called flat along the baseball cap, cap, flat cap.
Not if you want to look good,do not wear a hip hop hat neatly and smoothly. It is better to wear the hat with a horizontal tilt of 15 degrees, and then slightly to the left or right. Some people who are more hip hop and expressive of personality traits tend to go a little higher. In addition, the flat cap whether positive, negative, side, crooked, can be worn, and the overall effect and the effect of each direction is better than the curved edge.